Fishing SpotsIt is unusual to find such diverse habitats as are available to the visitor to Munupi. Munupi is situated at the Northern end of the Apsley Straight, on Melville Island. |
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Within a 1 hour trip you can find magnificent blue
water and reef fishing, rocky headlands, vast fish
holding flats and estuary systems,
rock bars, and deep holes of up to 200 feet.
Mangrove lined creeks that are home to the mighty barra and the saltwater crocodile
Extremes in water movementThere are days where the water pours through the Straight as though a plug had been taken out, yet at other times when there is little movement between tides.
Brackish watersIt is possible to travel up the rivers to their source, encountering brackish water that ultimately turns to fresh. There are broad swamps and wetlands covered in geese ducks and other waterfowl. Paperbark forests all with abundant flora and fauna, including numerous wallabies the kangaroo and dingo.
Fish everywhereAnd every where there are fish! As well you may be taken to secret inlets, billabongs and spots known only to locals.
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The tropical sports
fishing is what many people come for, and ranges from
flats and sight fishing in areas that are virtually
un-fished, reef fishing for the fabulous Black Jewfish
and Golden Snapper to some newly emerging blue-water
options in untested waters.